
I have discovered a cache, at the foot of my bed, obscured by a table.

A cache of socks.

It seems that when I get home, exhausted, I kick off my shoes and socks, and lie down.

So that's where they all went!


Michelle left a note worrying about calling me 'Creature'. I don't necessary think of it as a derogatory term. After all, I am to some extent a creature of habit. I'm often a creature of instinct, and there are days when I think of myself as a creature of the sea. I'm clearly an odd creature, usually a timid creature, and on rare occasions a fearless creature. Naturally I enjoy my creature comforts!

And yet, the mind of the Very Fat Guy recognises that

there is the monstrous within us that must be wrestled with (or embraced).

sun creature

The name in fact comes from some verse I wrote at the end of last year, when things were really beginning to change.


i am a creature
of the sun
shapes plucked from shopsigns
twist whirling in my
seeing space
i am a creature
of heat and hard
the furnace now is me.

every day,
every interaction
brings its own addition
to my core;

selfishly i make them mine,
for i am of the deserving ones
who sat in silence,
i who went to die
became my other,
lost a brother
and regained
colour and the juice of oceans,
the blood of leaves

i fought at shadows and
i cast aside a mountain and
took flight!

now i see the flux
it is me
i flow past, behind, in tandem with
adversaries, and in my wake they douse themselves;

i am a creature of the sun;
it never lost its way
and i have heard
its flamboyant cries

I know there are many other deserving ones who sit in silence. I don't know what can be done about that yet, but I hope someday soon I will understand.


Anonymous said...


FunnyBits said...

Dude, you gotta update the have the perfect URL so you can't just leave us all hanging.

chop chop--get to it.


Anonymous said...

Hey There.

I hope all is well.
Looking forward to a new post.

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